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Sunrise Will Dry Up Morning Dew (перевод "Восход мой высушит росу" Корнеевой Е.А.))

9 августа 2012 - Ирина Кривошеева


Sunrise will dry up morning dew,

No tear will stay after the dawn.

A nightingale sings in the slew,

Small dragonflies by water soar.


The sun is playing in the stream,

New hatchings swimming in the shade.

The willows bend their slender limbs

Like lovely women with long braids.


I’ll pick up strawberries in woods.

Their taste of love is very nice.

July, I feast my eyes on you

And starry sky till the sunrise…

© Copyright: Ирина Кривошеева, 2012

Регистрационный номер №0068963

от 9 августа 2012

[Скрыть] Регистрационный номер 0068963 выдан для произведения:


Sunrise will dry up morning dew,

No tear will stay after the dawn.

A nightingale sings in the slew,

Small dragonflies by water soar.


The sun is playing in the stream,

New hatchings swimming in the shade.

The willows bend their slender limbs

Like lovely women with long braids.


I’ll pick up strawberries in woods.

Their taste of love is very nice.

July, I feast my eyes on you

And starry sky till the sunrise…

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