ГлавнаяСтихиПереводы и стихи на других языкахПоэтические переводы → On the Swings in the Foliage I Soar to the Sky (перевод "На качелях качаясь, взмываешь в листву" Корнеевой Е.А.))

On the Swings in the Foliage I Soar to the Sky (перевод "На качелях качаясь, взмываешь в листву" Корнеевой Е.А.))

9 августа 2012 - Ирина Кривошеева


On the swings in the foliage I soar to the sky

Wind has blown evening freshness, lime trees sweetly blow.

I can’t wait to discover the aim of my life,

And what for tender light from my soul gently flows.


I forget about age, childhood runs in my veins,

All ideas are real, when they come to kids’ mind.

Like a wingless earth angel, I look at the plain,

As the first streaks of faith rise above in the skyline!


I am dreaming for people who can not believe.

They grew up very fast, blind with doubts and distrust.

On the swings I am flying to emerald leaves,

And my love speaks in poems with every heart thrust.

© Copyright: Ирина Кривошеева, 2012

Регистрационный номер №0068967

от 9 августа 2012

[Скрыть] Регистрационный номер 0068967 выдан для произведения:


On the swings in the foliage I soar to the sky

Wind has blown evening freshness, lime trees sweetly blow.

I can’t wait to discover the aim of my life,

And what for tender light from my soul gently flows.


I forget about age, childhood runs in my veins,

All ideas are real, when they come to kids’ mind.

Like a wingless earth angel, I look at the plain,

As the first streaks of faith rise above in the skyline!


I am dreaming for people who can not believe.

They grew up very fast, blind with doubts and distrust.

On the swings I am flying to emerald leaves,

And my love speaks in poems with every heart thrust.

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Владимир Спиридонов # 9 августа 2012 в 19:37 0
А что делать если языка не знаешь? Искать подлинник? Сайт русскоязычный...