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When I Look in the Mirror (Перевод стихотворения Корнеевой Е.А.))

9 августа 2012 - Ирина Кривошеева

When I look in the mirror
I can see your reflection,
Other stars can't be nearer,
 I am mad with affection.

You are breathing my fire,
I can melt in your river.
To the sky we aspire,
You will hear my heart quiver.

I will plunge in your ocean,
To my stars you will follow,
This is mere devotion,
When in you I can wallow.

I am your inspiration,
Scorching wind in the morning,
You are my restoration
Of all wishes of dawning... 

© Copyright: Ирина Кривошеева, 2012

Регистрационный номер №0068961

от 9 августа 2012

[Скрыть] Регистрационный номер 0068961 выдан для произведения:

When I look in the mirror
I can see your reflection,
Other stars can't be nearer,
 I am mad with affection.

You are breathing my fire,
I can melt in your river.
To the sky we aspire,
You will hear my heart quiver.

I will plunge in your ocean,
To my stars you will follow,
This is mere devotion,
When in you I can wallow.

I am your inspiration,
Scorching wind in the morning,
You are my restoration
Of all wishes of dawning... 

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