
5 ноября 2016 - Anastasiia Fedorenko
Raining very hardly, 
Morning’s really cold. 
Silence’s happened sharply, 
No any bird. 
I would like be swallowed 
By this rapid hush. 
In that peradventure 
Pain must be crushed. 
Now I am leaving, 
You must be alive. 
Losing my last feeling. 
Seems I have to die. 

©Copyright: Анастасия Федоренко, 2016

© Copyright: Anastasiia Fedorenko, 2016

Регистрационный номер №0361478

от 5 ноября 2016

[Скрыть] Регистрационный номер 0361478 выдан для произведения: Raining very hardly, 
Morning’s really cold. 
Silence’s happened sharply, 
No any bird. 
I would like be swallowed 
By this rapid hush. 
In that peradventure 
Pain must be crushed. 
Now I am leaving, 
You must be alive. 
Losing my last feeling. 
Seems I have to die. 

©Copyright: Анастасия Федоренко, 2016
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