How many days in year?

9 декабря 2013 - Валерий Сикорский
To Denise Leckie.

How many days in year?
Well, three hundred sixty six.
So, one of them, my Dear,
With you life forever sticks.
What's a meaning that occasion?
Is weekday or holly day?
European, Turk and Asian
Call such day "Day of birthday!"
It's a day of admiration's,
Smiles, kisses, laughters, hugs,
Day of lots congratulations,
Relaxations, wishes, good lucks!
Many ages the life creating,
But since we met in canteen
Only, Darling, celebrating
Your immortal "Seventeen!"

© Copyright: Валерий Сикорский, 2013

Регистрационный номер №0173996

от 9 декабря 2013

[Скрыть] Регистрационный номер 0173996 выдан для произведения: To Denise Leckie.

How many days in year?
Well, three hundred sixty six.
So, one of them, my Dear,
With you life forever sticks.
What's a meaning that occasion?
Is weekday or holly day?
European, Turk and Asian
Call such day "Day of birthday!"
It's a day of admiration's,
Smiles, kisses, laughters, hugs,
Day of lots congratulations,
Relaxations, wishes, good lucks!
Many ages the life creating,
But since we met in canteen
Only, Darling, celebrating
Your immortal "Seventeen!"
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